Jennifer Michaels reviews Gottfried Heuer’s new book

Jennifer Michaels, Emerita Professor of German at Grinnell College and author of Anarchy and Eros: Otto Gross’ Impact on German Expressionist Writers has written the following review of Gottfried Heuer’s Freud’s ‘Outstanding’ Colleague / Jung’s ‘Twin Brother’ .
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International Journal of Jungian Studies: Kevin Lu’s review of Gottfried Heuer’s new book

Kevin Lu, PhD, director of several programs at the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, reviews Freud’s ‘Outstanding’ Colleague/Jung’s ‘Twin Brother’ in the June 2017 edition of the International Journal of Jungian Studies. » Read the review

Archiv für Kriminologie: pre-publication review of Freud’s ‘Outstanding’ Colleague / Jung’s ‘Twin Brother’ (in German)

Priv.-Doz. DDr. Christian Bachhiesl reviews Freud’s ‘Outstanding’ Colleague/Jung’s ‘Twin Brother’ in the March/April 2017 edition of the Archiv für Kriminologie (Archives of Criminology). » Read the review

Otto Gross: the troubadour analyst – Babak Fozooni reviews Gottfried Heuer’s upcoming book

Babak Fozooni reviews Gottfried Heuer’s book, Freud’s ‘Outstanding’ Colleague/Jung’s ‘Twin Brother’. Mr Fozooni is a critical social scientist and works as a tutor at The Open University. He has obtained six degrees, including a PhD in Psychology at Manchester Metropolitan University. He can be contacted at .  » Read the review